Wednesday, July 8, 2015

July 8, 2015 - Present and Past Participles review; Passive Voice explanation

*** Recap below ****
Recap participles used as adjectives (-ing to describe someone or something; -ed to describe how a person feels).

Present Participle (-ing) is used to describe something or someone.
"I watched an interesting TV show about American history last night."
"This film is boring. Let's stop watching it."

Past Participle (-ed) is used to describe how people feel about something
or someone.
"I'm interested in American history."
"I'm bored of my job. I want to find another one."

p. 80 Exercise 13
Use the verb in each sentence to make two new sentences.  In one sentence,
use the present participle (-ing).  In the other, use the past participle (-ed).
Example:  The game entertains the children.
The game is entertaining. (present participle; describes game)
The children are entertained. (past participle; describes how the children feel)                       
1.     The movie frightened the children.
The movie was frightening.
The children were frightened.

2.    The book interests the children.
The book is interesting.
The children are interested (in the book).

3.    The children are amusing the adults.
The children are amusing.
The adults are amused.

4.    The trip tired the children.
The trip was tiring.
The children were tired.

5.    The game excited the children.
The game was exciting.
The children were excited.

6.    The vacation exhausted the adults.
The vacation was exhausting.
The adults were exhausted.

7.    The movie bored the adults.
The movie was boring.
The adults were bored (by the movie).

8.    Chaplin interests me.
Chaplin is interesting. (describing another thing or person)
I am interested in Chaplin.  (how I feel)

Exercise 14
Fill in the blanks with the correct participle, present or past, of the verb in parentheses ().
       Last night my friend and I went to see a new movie. 
We thought it was boring. (example: bore).  It had a lot of stupid car
chases, which were not exciting (excite) at all.  And I didn’t like
 the characters.  They weren’t very convincing (convince).

       We were pretty disappointed (disappoint) because the reviewers said it was a good movie.  They said it had amazing (amaze) visual effects.  But for me, it wasn’t interesting (interest) at all.  I was annoyed (annoy) that I wasted $10 and a whole evening for such a disappointing (disappoint) movie.  The only thing that was satisfying (satisfy) was the popcorn.


Passive Voice – when to use it; when to avoid it.

What is passive voice?

In English, all sentences are in either "active" or "passive" voice:
active: Werner Heisenberg formulated the uncertainty principle in 1927.
passive: The uncertainty principle was formulated by Werner Heisenberg in 1927.
In an active sentence, the person or thing responsible for the action in
the sentence comes first.
I baked a cake.
The cake was baked by me.
In a passive sentence, the person or thing acted on comes first, and the actor is added at the end, introduced with the preposition "by." The passive form of the verb is signaled by a form of "to be": in the sentence above, "was formulated" is in passive voice while "formulated" is in active.
In a passive sentence, we often omit the actor completely:

When do I use passive voice?

In some sentences, passive voice can be perfectly acceptable.
You might use it in the following cases:
1.    The actor is unknown:
The cave paintings of Lascaux were made in the Upper Old Stone Age.
[We don't know who made them.]
2.    The actor is irrelevant (not important)
An experimental solar power plant will be built in the Australian desert.
[We are not interested in who is building it.]
3.    You want to be vague about who is responsible:
Mistakes were made. [Common in bureaucratic writing!]
4.    You are talking about a general truth:
Rules are made to be broken. [By whomever, whenever.]
5.    You want to emphasize the person or thing acted on. For example, it may be your main topic:
Insulin was first discovered in 1921 by researchers at the University of
Toronto. It is still the only treatment available for diabetes.
6.    You are writing in a scientific genre that traditionally relies on
passive voice. Passive voice is often preferred in lab reports
 and scientific research papers, most notably in the Materials and Methods section:
The sodium hydroxide was dissolved in water.
This solution was then titrated with hydrochloric acid.
In these sentences you can count on your reader to know that you are the one who did the dissolving and the titrating. The passive voice places the emphasis on your experiment rather than on you.
Note: Over the past several years, there has been a movement within many science disciplines away from passive voice. Scientists often now prefer active voice in most parts of their published reports, even occasionally using the subject "we" in the Materials and Methods section. Check with your instructor or TA whether you can use the first person "I" or "we" in your lab reports to help avoid the passive.
To learn more about the use of passive voice in the sciences, visit our handout on writing in the sciences.

When should I avoid passive voice?

Passive sentences can get you into trouble in academic writing because
they can be vague about who is responsible for the action:
Both Othello and Iago desire Desdemona. She is courted. 
[Who courts Desdemona? Othello? Iago? Both of them?]
Academic writing often focuses on differences between the ideas of different researchers, or between your own ideas and those of the researchers you are discussing. Too many passive sentences can create confusion:
Research has been done to discredit this theory. [Who did the research? You? Your professor? Another author?]
Some students use passive sentences to hide holes in their research:
The telephone was invented in the nineteenth century. [I couldn't find out who invented the telephone!]
Finally, passive sentences often sound wordy and indirect. They can make the reader work unnecessarily hard. And since they are usually longer than active sentences, passive sentences take up precious room in your paper:
Since the car was being driven by Michael at the time of the accident, the damages should be paid for by him.

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